International Yoga Day 2022

International Yoga Day 2022

 The 8th International Yoga Day 2022 will be celebrated all over the world with the theme of ‘Yoga for Humanity’. The theme of the 8th IYD 2022 was announced by PM Narendra Modi in his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ webinar on 30 May 2022.

The International Yoga Day 2022 theme is chosen by the Ministry of AYUSH on 21 June 2022 after much deliberation and consultation in India and across the world. The main event of the 8th International Day of (IDY 2022) will be held in Mysore, Karnataka.


 Benefits of Yoga

1. Helps lose weight

Yoga is considered one of the most effective ways to loseweight. It is also ideal for people of all ages and weights as it can be altered to one's convenience.

2. Elevates mood

Yoga incorporates mindfulness and meditation. This relaxing workout regime incorporated with mediation has been proven to boost the production of happy hormones in the body.

3. Helps with mood disorders

As discussed above, yoga helps boost the production of happy hormones. In addition to this, yoga also helps reduce stress, anxiety, and other mood disorders through meditation and helps relax the mind.

4. Increases flexibility

Yoga is performed through various poses and positions. These yoga poses focus on increasing the body's ability to stretch. This boost to elasticity has also been proven to better blood circulation.

5. Boost immunity

Yoga has been proven to boost immunity. Yoga helps strengthen the body's immune system and makes it less vulnerable to external radicals that might otherwise adversely affect the body.

6. Improves digestive system

Yoga poses can be practiced to improve one's digestive system as a whole. Certain yoga poses help better the functioning of the gut and various other body organs that promote better digestion.

7. Betters brain functions

Besides reducing stress and promoting the production of happy hormones. Yoga also helps improve various brain functions such as focus, memory, cognition, and so on through multiple positions and meditation.

8. Improves muscle strength

As yoga is performed through practicing various poses, it strengthens the body's muscles. Through practicing yoga, one can gradually build and strengthen muscles.

9. Boosts metabolism

Yoga has been proven to boost metabolism. Besides aiding weight loss, yoga also improves metabolism. A high metabolism means your body is better equipped at burning calories which makes you less prone to weight gain in the future.

10. Improves skin

Yoga as discussed earlier helps increase blood circulation in the body. Along with this, yoga has also been proven to remove toxins from the body. All of these factors help promote better skin health.

11. Adjustable

Working out at the gym or weight training are high-intensity workouts and cannot be performed by everyone. Yoga, on the other hand, is adjustable and can be altered to one's convenience.

12. Improves breathing issues

Yoga incorporates positions along with breathing techniques. A combination of these two has been proven to improve oxygen absorption and it might also improve symptoms of various breathing/lung-related diseases.

13. Improves posture

As yoga inculcates various poses and positions, it helps better hydrate the spine and various other joints and muscles. All these factors help better our posture.

14. Helps with inflammation

Yoga has anti-inflammatory properties. The body might react to certain external forces or internal causes and experience inflammation. This can be reduced through a regular practice of yoga.

15. Improves sleep quality

As yoga helps better elasticity, blood circulation, mental health, and various other essential functions of the body, these factors also promote better quality sleep. Yoga may also help cure various sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, etc.

16. Helps maintain heart health

Yoga has been proven to improve heart health and may also aid the recovery of pre-existing heart disorders. It helps regulate blood pressure, clears out blood vessels of any build-up, improves blood circulation, and so on.

17. Improves bone health

Yoga has also been proven to strengthen bone health along with strengthening joints and muscles. This might make one less prone to injuries and promote the longevity of the bones.

In conclusion, yoga has various benefits for our bodies as well as our minds. Unlike other workout regimes, yoga is more peaceful and relaxing. Yoga can help you lose weight and can also cure various other health complications.




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