NEP emphasises child-centred pedagogy as opposed to exam-centred approach The end of the year examination results do not reflect the full potential or uniqueness of a child. Therefore, we need to look beyond examinations and look at assessment only as a means of learning. Examinations are not the final goal of a rewarding learning experience. They are, at best, one of the multiple milestones to be crossed by a child on her path to holistic growth and development. An over-enthusiastic head of an urban school that I once visited told me that she took great pride in the fact that during school hours there was always pin-drop silence in her institution. I was aghast. Such pride in a culture that takes the joy out of being a child, a culture that sees indiscipline in the animated chatter of children as they play, collaborate, express their ideas and help their peers shows how far some schools may have digressed from the path of real education. Gijubhai Badheka, better known as the edu...